COVID-19 Token of Appreciation Coin (£5 straight back to NHS Charity)

COVID-19 Token of Appreciation Coin (£5 straight back to NHS Charity)


In stock



Name to be engraved? – If any

Main Logo


Okay, we were genuinely not intending to sell these at all, they were just gifts for my Sister in Laws for the amazing job our NHS is doing during these troubling time.  However, after all the comments on social media, we have worked out a way of passing them on and helping out the NHS at the same task.  The last thing we want is to be seen to be ‘making money’ out of this horrific situation we find ourselves in.

We will donate £5 from every coin sold to the NHS Charities Together Fund, this charity supports NHS workers and Volunteers caring for COVID-19 patients.

The coins coin you receive will either made of solid brass or copper depending on stock levels, they measure 32mm wide, we will also include a perspex coin case for them to be stored in.

Each coin can be personalised with a persons name on the front, or just leave that field blank if no name is required, or maybe a simple ‘Thank You’  We fully appreciate that there are many many Key workers out there, the coin can be engraved with the following centres:

  • Superman NHS logo
  • ONLY  ‘Superman S’ to denote other key workers
  • ‘CARE’ logo
  • The text ‘Key Worker’
  • Only because we have the logo digitised already, we have also added the Metropolitan Police as an option.

These coins also come with FREE delivery.